2023 Non-Event
Celebrating Therapists!
Listen Foundation has an annual fundraising mail campaign each year called the Non-Event that has been going strong since 1994. Its popularity centers around supporting this amazing program in the comfort of one’s own home…no new dress….no babysitter….no rubber chicken…..no lengthy speeches. What’s not to love??!!
This year the Non-Event celebrates the amazing therapists who make Listening and Spoken Language therapy work. Ask any parent of a Listen Foundation graduate, and they will tell you how incredible their therapist is and how well this therapy works. But, how often do we stop to think about each therapist’s commitment and how lucky the children, families, and education systems are because of what these unique individuals have committed to doing?

Auditory Verbal Therapy was created in 1969 by trailblazer Doreen Pollack in Denver, Colorado. The principles she developed are still the global standard for teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing children to learn to listen and talk. Becoming this kind of hearing & developmental specialist takes years of training. Very few individuals in the world match the dedication and quality of the Listen Foundation therapists, beginning with founder Doreen Pollock, carried on by her students, to the therapists of today.
These miracle workers serve in families’ lives weekly for years, coaching and guiding parents & children through the steps of making meaning out of sound and giving children with hearing loss access to listening, language, reading, mainstreamed schools and lives of independence just like their typical hearing peers.

Please help us acknowledge these heroes, past and present, who have chosen this unique awe-inspiring work by not dressing up for an event or buying a ticket but instead honoring these incredible therapists with a gift to the 2023 Non-Event Campaign to support the therapy and programming they provide.

Listen Foundation Therapists
Past & Present
Doreen Pollack (Founder)
Marian Ernst
Joan Rollins
Robbi McDonough
Mary Desollar
Janice Hutchison
Meredith (Stewart) Schmidt
Nancy Caleffe-Schenck
Mary Mosher-Stathes
Maxine Turbull
Cindy Scott
Gay Bossart
Linda Fligg
Linda Daniel
Catalina Johnson
Thelma Fung
Nancy Guerrero
Nanette Thompson
Joanna Stith
Avanti Bhatia
Erika King
Krissa Britsch
Amanda Schinall
Mickey Abrams
Thank you for your service to the Listen Foundation and to all the children whose lives you have touched and changed!
We invite alumni families to leave a note of thanks to honor your AVT-LSLS therapist by using the form below. Your message will be sent to the Listen Foundation office who will forward the message to your therapist.
Therapist Feedback
Our Listen therapist did such an incredible job. No one knows our child is deaf, not even her teachers. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
–Vicky & Ray

We Appreciate our Generous Sponsors
Office Location
Listen Foundation
6950 E Belleview Ave, Suite 203
Greenwood Village, CO, USA 80111
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