Camp Registration

Both Listen CI Camp sessions are full for 2025. Please walk through the registration process to be added to the waitlist. We enroll families from the waitlist every year.
Dates for Listen CI Camp 2025 are:
- June 26-29, 2025 for CI Recipients entering 5th Grade – 2025 High School Graduates
- July 24-27, 2025 for CI Recipients Age 3 – Entering 4th Grade
If you do NOT already have a camp account and would like to join our email list to receive camp updates, please click here, select “NEW USER”, and create an account for your family. Be sure to complete all information for each family member interested in attending camp and save your account login information and password. Those interested in volunteering may also create an account to receive camp and volunteer related information.
Pricing for Listen CI Camp is based on the number of family members attending. The family portion of the registration fee covers 40% of the actual cost for each family to attend camp. To keep camp affordable for all, the Listen Foundation fundraises to cover the remaining 60% of the cost for each family. All lodging, meals, and Listen CI Camp activities for the four-day, three-night weekend are included. The family portion of the registration fee is:
Family of 2: $900.00
Family of 3: $1,000.00
Family of 4: $1,100.00
Family of 5: $1,200.00
During the registration process, families will be given the option of paying the full amount or paying 50% with the balance billed to the credit card used during registration on March 1. Regardless of circumstance, refunds are not available unless the Listen Foundation is able to fill your cancellation, in which case the registration fee will be refunded, less a $25 administrative fee. As such, all families are strongly encouraged to purchase travel insurance.
Financial assistance in the form of partial “camp scholarships” is available for families who cannot otherwise afford the family portion of the registration fee. Please see the Financial Scholarship page for information regarding the scholarship application process.
Together with our host vendor, YMCA of the Rockies – Estes Park, Colorado, we look forward to welcoming you to camp! Our combined hope is to provide connection, education, and recreation, uniting all families in the Listen CI Camp community.
2025 Listen CI Camp Policies
- To make the most of our time together, days are intentionally full of recreational activities carefully selected to facilitate bonding and learning from each other. It’s your participation with other families that makes camp so special- camp isn’t camp without you actively engaged! If you would like to explore Rocky Mountain National Park or other offerings at the YMCA, please make arrangements to stay in the area a few extra days before or after camp for your family vacation.
- The June session is open to families with CI recipients Entering 5th Grade in Fall, 2025, through 2025 High School Graduates.
The July session is open to families with CI recipients Age 3 through Entering 4th Grade in Fall, 2025.
Please register for the appropriate session based on the grade your cochlear implant child(ren) will enter in Fall, 2025, to avoid removal. (Siblings may fall outside the age range- up to age 18.) - Every member of your family who will attend camp must be registered, regardless of age.
- To keep camp affordable for all, Listen Foundation fundraises to cover 60% of the cost of camp for each family. In keeping with the mission, Listen Foundation seeks to serve the greatest number of families possible, therefore rooms are limited to one per family. Additionally, the YMCA limits room capacity to five people, regardless of age. The five must be immediate family members (CI child(ren), parents/legal guardians, and siblings up to 18 years of age). After registering, if you desire a second room for the remainder of your 6+ member immediate family, please email , to be added to a waitlist in the unlikely event that an extra room is available 30 days prior to the camp.
- Families with multiple CI children, fitting the age criteria for both sessions, may choose the session that best fits the independence level of the CI children. Please contact the Listen CI Camp Director at for additional guidance.
- In the interest of providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all, background checks are required of all Participants age 18 and above and will be conducted as part of the registration process.
- All Participants are subject to, and agree to abide by, the rules and regulations implemented by Listen Foundation and YMCA of the Rockies which is the host vendor.
- Listen Foundation reserves the right to dismiss any family from Listen CI camp, at any time, at the sole discretion of the Listen CI Camp Director. Upon dismissal the entire family is required to leave the Premises immediately. Refunds are not available.
- All Participants are required to reside in the Listen CI Camp contracted accommodations.
- Participants may be exposed to or infected by an infectious or communicable disease as a result of participation in Listen CI Camp and such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, or death.
- The following Health Protocols have been established by the Listen Foundation Medical Advisors: If any member of a Participants’ household is ill prior to camp, your entire family must cancel your registration and, if any member of a Participants’ family becomes ill during camp, your entire family must immediately notify the Listen CI Camp Director and leave the Premises
- Listen Foundation does not provide the food, lodging, cleaning, supervision of children, or adventure activities at the Premises. Parents are responsible for the supervision, safety, and behavior of their children which includes one parent directly supervising his/her child(ren) under the age of 5 at all times as well as his/her child(ren) age 5 and above when not signed out to Listen CI Camp volunteers. Additionally, each family is required to have at least one parent at the Premises at all times.
- Disrespect toward other people, property, policies, programs, facilities, Listen Foundation, or YMCA of the Rockies will be addressed by the Listen CI Camp Director and may result in family dismissal.
- Participants harming or expressing ideas related to harming themselves or others will result in immediate family dismissal.
- Firearms, illicit drugs, marijuana, CBD and THC products, controlled substances, drones, pets, and approaching wildlife are strictly prohibited. Smoking and vaping are permitted only in designated outdoor smoking areas containing fire-safe ashtrays. Violation will result in family dismissal.
- As a family program, Listen CI Camp has a strict no alcohol policy. Participants, family members, or campers displaying signs of inebriation or exhibiting disruptive or unsafe behavior will result in family dismissal.
- All travel related refund policies are not the responsibility of Listen CI Camp or Listen Foundation and any penalties for cancellation are Participant’s sole responsibility.
- Regardless of circumstance, refunds are not available unless Listen Foundation is able to fill the Participants’ spot with another family. If a replacement family is found, the registration fee will be refunded, less a $25 administrative fee.
- All Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase travel insurance.
- Photographs, video, and motion pictures may be taken of all Participants and family members while in attendance at the camp. Such photographs, videos, and motion pictures, containing voice, image, likeness, and name may be published in newspapers, magazines, television, print ads, or other media (including social media) at the sole discretion of Listen Foundation.
- Listen Foundation will release Participant directory information to camp families and volunteers.
Registration is password protected until it opens on January 24 at 10:00am (Mountain Time); however, families are encouraged to click on the buttons below to create an account and complete demographic information prior to registration.
Click on the appropriate button below to register.
Both Listen CI Camp sessions are full for 2025. Please walk through the registration process to be added to the waitlist. We enroll families from the waitlist every year.
For more information or assistance in the registration process, please contact Janette Cantwell, Camp Director, at
Check out this fun video from the Olsen family! The video shows a wide variety of activities from the June 2023 Listen CI Camp.
Keep up with the latest news and photos about CI Camp
Quote from a 2023 camp parent: “The connections made at camp for both our children and us are invaluable. We aren’t surrounded by parents who understand children like ours in any other environment. It’s so helpful and meaningful, both optically (for the kids) and emotionally. Having the opportunity to speak with and get to know young adult CI recipients provides us hope and reminds us that the work we are doing will pay off.”
Quote from a 2023 camp parent: “From the moment our daughter gets out of the car at camp her confidence skyrockets. She looks forward to it all year long and seeing her CI friends. It’s wonderful education and bonding, but what it does for her self-esteem to be around other kids with CIs is priceless.”
When the Listen Foundation executive director visited camp and asked children of all ages, “What do you like about camp?” the universal reply was “Everything!”
Listen CI Camp is Grateful for the Generous Support of our Corporate Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
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Cochlear is the Presenting Sponsor for CI Camp

We invite you to Continue the Legacy through a donation that will help support Listen CI Camp
The goal is to expand camp in 2026 and we need your continued support to achieve that goal. However, we first need to raise the funds to support the 2025 programs.
“What a unique, fun, valuable, inspiring experience. I didn’t realize how much I needed to meet other CI families.” -2019 Camper
“For our CI daughter to be among so many other children with implants as opposed to being the only one in her daily life is a game changer for her confidence, independence, and emotional health.” -2021 Camper
“My son said, "I've finally found my people." This camp was filled with love and joy. We will be back and can't thank you enough for the joy you have given our family.” -2022 Camper
“CI camp… fosters a strong sense of community where there are no questions of acceptance or inclusion. It is a wonderful experience.” -2023 Camper
“This camp has given our child a chance to grow in confidence and advocacy.” -2024 Camper