Spencer’s Page
Listen Foundation has an annual fundraising mail campaign each year called the Non-Event that has been going strong since 1994. Its popularity centers around supporting this amazing program in the comfort of one’s own home…no new dress….no babysitter….no rubber chicken…..no lengthy speeches. What’s not to love??!!
This low cost fundraiser has been chaired each year by both prominent members of the community and Listen kids alike. In 2020, Listen Foundation brought back a story from the Non-Event in 2000 when the Kontnik family raised over $150,000 in an extraordinary quest. It was amazing to see this family set out to do what no family had previously done…swim a relay across the English Channel. What made it more incredible was that one of the swimmers was a 12-year old boy with hearing loss, swimming his relay legs by himself in water with 10-foot waves!
This story is particularly remarkable because 20 years later Spencer continues to give back to this foundation, now as a member of the board of directors. Enjoy ‘Spencer’s Page’ and know how much we appreciate your support during all of our annual Non-Events.

Spencer Kontnik’s Letter from the 2020 Listen Foundation Non-Event
Dear Friends
This year has been an emotional rollercoaster for all of us, but I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. The Listen Foundation’s 26th annual Non-Event takes on a special meaning this year. It provides a platform for us to continue to engage and support the deaf and hard of hearing community while respecting “social distancing”. It is our hope, as you think about your charitable giving this year, that you will consider donating to the Listen Foundation 26th annual Non-Event. Any amount, big or small makes a difference.
When I was six years old, I lost my hearing after being hit in the head with a baseball bat while playing at recess. The experience shaped much of my childhood and the Listen Foundation provided invaluable resources helping me and my family adjust to new realities. Without the Listen Foundation, my family would not have been able to provide me with the auditory and verbal foundations that I have today.
Twenty years ago, to give back, my family and I attempted to swim 21 miles across the English Channel to raise money for the Listen Foundation. We battled the cold, 10-foot waves, and seasickness for over 7 hours, and we raised more than $150,000 for the Listen Foundation.
Now, twenty years later, I am chairing the 26th annual Non-Event and “social distancing” fundraiser to raise money to provide therapy to children with hearing loss. The Listen Foundation provides auditory and verbal therapy teaching deaf and hard of hearing children how to listen and talk. We also provide family support services, school visits, professional development, and parent education.
The Listen Foundation has been extremely fortunate during these past couple of months to be able to continue providing therapy services. Through tele-health, our capacity to deliver therapy through online video technology has been unchanged. In fact, the Listen Foundation has taken on more clients as local families were moved to a tele-health platform from the clinic setting due to social distancing guidelines. This ability to carry on, however, means that the Listen Foundation’s fundraising must be maintained to continue providing critical therapy services at the current level. To accomplish this, we need your help.
This event has been successful in the past thanks to the generosity of our friends and community. This Non-Event does not require a tuxedo, a new dress, or a babysitter. There are no long speeches.
Just show your support by sending a check or donate online at www.listenfoundation.org.
Thank you in advance – again – any amount, big or small, makes a difference
Very truly yours,
Spencer J. Kontnik
Listen Foundation Board Member
English Channel Fund Raiser Video
Photo collage of Spencer and his family

A special thanks to the sponsors of this 2020 Non-Event. It would not be possible without their generous help!
Distinguished Benefactor
$5,000 +
Jim & Dianne Bosler – In honor of Lyla Alley Carroll
Galena Foundation, Inc.
$500 +
Thersa Dando
Bruce and Barbara Galoob
Jim & Winnie Moss
Michelle Sandt-Wade
Paddy & Rhonda Sheya
Dick & Vickie Thomas
Triple B
$2,000 +
Scott & Ginnie Eldredge
Nancy Sagar
MDC/Richmond American Foundation
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP
Singleton Family Foundation
$250 +
Pat & Ralph Greenway
Nancy & Cleve Schenck
Darlene Silver
Dan & Monica White
Angie Crowder
$1,000 +
Beth Carveth
Andy & Naomi Cohen
Mark & Raisa Finkel – In honor of Ely Kassner
Florrie Katchen
Lew & Brenna Kontnik – in honor of Spencer
Bill & Maria Pardee
Ron & Meredith Schmidt
Rocky Mountain Ear Center
Meet our graphic designer of the 2020 Non-Event Invitation, Monica Machon.
Monica has volunteered her time and creativity in designing all of the Listen Foundation invitations and programs for the past five years. The results have never looked better and we are so thankful for Monica’s generosity and willingness to share her talents with us.
Monica owns Newfangled, a three-fold creative services, event management and marketing solutions agency. If you are in need of such services, please consider her company. Monica can be reached at:
- Phone – (413) 205-9324
- Email – mmachon218@gmail.com
- Website – www.getfangled.com

We Appreciate our Generous Sponsors
Office Location
Listen Foundation
6950 E Belleview Ave, Suite 203
Greenwood Village, CO, USA 80111
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6950 E. Belleview Ave
Greenwood Village, CO, USA 80111